Ariana Sarris, LMFT
Toward Self Evolvement
Science Fiction Author
Arian gives you guidance on how to contact your higher self and guardian angels, who will gladly assist you in all of your work. Gain insights for fast and powerful inner changes, starting with your soul, and working with your mind, heart, and spirit.
Aruhatala of Telos
Aruhatala of Telos, a woman from the Fifth Dimension, has come to help us release our inner distortions (blocks, traumas, personal patterns), and move toward our personal and planetary evolvement–in a loving, heart focused way.
Sci Fi Books
Over 10,000 years in the future, Harthan Empire is conquering known space, using psionics. A Garvan woman and a Harthan man are propelled by the invasion and his secret power toward a new destiny.
“Healing Your Past” encourages you to examine your past, your inner blocks, your unconscious patterns of limitation—and free yourself of them. You don’t have to do it alone.